Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Pretty excited to start my first blog..."Double Double"! I had wanted to try my hand at blogging about a year ago and never made it back until now. When I tried tonight to get "Double Double" as a name, it said it was taken....but it was me who still had it under another email from last year...yeah!
What will my blog be about? I'm not sure...maybe things like...

Coinsedenses... and things that make me say hmmm...Like today the newspaper spoke of how our city can't find a restaurant to take up shop on the riverbank and I thought of BeaverTails thinking it would be perfect for the location and just moments ago on the national news they spoke of how everyone is getting excited for Obama and even BeaverTails restaurant has a beavertail named after him.
just as I was cleaning my glasses..well breathing on them the guy on tv did the same thing at the same time. hmmm

Lots of other stuff I could write about but I think I will start a blog for some of those ideas as they may need a stiffer drink than a cup of coffee!

or just things that I might talk about over a hot cup of coffee..a "Double Double"!

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